The Sir Winston Churchill Society of Edmonton

The Sir Winston Churchill Society of Edmonton isn't just about the things Winston Churchill did in the past. It's about his convictions, his wit, his power to inspire and how those qualities are necessary for our community today. With Churchill as an example, we want to inspire leaders, young and old, as we rise to meet the challenges of tomorrow.

Our medal recipient, Mira Yuetong Zheng (middle) was a President in the JA Company Program last year. To the left is President/CEO Junior Achievement Northern Alberta & NWT Jennifer Martin. On the right is our Honourary Patron, The Honourable Salma Lakhani, AOE, BSc. Our society has funded four JA programs for $5,000, impacting 100 students in Edmonton’s inner city that have demonstrated a high need for services. They include St. Alphonsus Elementary/Junior High, Spruce Avenue Junior High, John A. McDougall Elementary, and Delton Elementary. (Photo provided by JA.)

Award recipients, seated in the front, are symbolically backed by family and friends who are to their immediate rear.


To honor the life of Sir Winston Spencer Churchill by:
Supporting education and the development of communication skills
Supporting Citizenship
Supporting Leadership Development
Sharing and encouraging the respect of historical resources and our heritage.

The Rt. Hon. Sir Winston Spencer Churchill Society
127 Twin Brooks Cove NW
Edmonton, Alberta T6J 6T1